Ah, Khulula, SV Laundry Ship! After 24 days at sea from Mexico, we arrived in Nuku Hiva with a lot of laundry. We were still learning a lot about living on a boat at this point, like how to make those sheets, shirts, and underwear last a little bit longer between washings. The laundry matt claimed the had never seen a bag so big come from one boat. Opps! Well, like everything else in French Polynesia, it wasn’t cheap! Not wanting to spend another night in sheet that had survived hot-bunking in 30 C / 80% humidity conditions, we splurged. But that didn’t include drying. In fact, clothes dryers are a rarity in the tropic. Maybe because its so easy to hang dry them, and power is so much more expensive. So enter Khulula, sailboat/clothesline. In fact, this was a common sight throughout the next three years: clothes strung out on every available rail and line on the boat. Drying out in the Marquesas