Surfing and Awareness in South Africa

The surfing community of South Africa meets on a very cool website entitled Wavescape. While in South Africa, we met with the Wavescape folks on a number of occasions – a presentation at the Brass Bell (a pub in Cape Town) and a llarge beach cleanup! Have a look at the links in this story.

For everything from stories of massive shark sightings, the ASP world tour and humorous accounts of SA surfing, to very ocean minded and marine conservation type media, Wavescape has it all. We had the opportunity to meet with the Wavescape people on a few occasions, from an Oceangybe presentation at the Brass Bell in Cape Town, to a huge beach cleanup on Muizenberg beach. They are following our expedition and will soon be linking to our blog from their site. Check out these links:

Wavescape Website

Initial OceanGybe Introduction

Brass Bell Presentation

Muizenberg Beach Cleanup

Thanks to Ross, Spike and the people at Wavescape for helping us spread the Oceangybe message in South Africa and for their continuing commitment to keeping our beaches clean. It was a pleasure to meet with you all, and we look forward to working with you into the future.