I hate our dingy.

Our dingy is dying a slow and terrible death.

Our dingy has a 5 year “holds air” warranty but it has only been three years.

Our dingy needs to be pumped up every 3 hours to stop it sinking.

Our dingy is our only lifeline to shore most of the time.

Our dingy has 6 different types of glue used on it. None seem to work.

Our dingy has been hauled out of the water and repaired about 30 times, and still leaks air.

Our dingy now has 8 major bolts holding the transom to the boat.

Our dingy handles and safely lines have torn off due to bad factory gluing.

Our dingy has twelve missing grommets because they all corroded and fell off.

Our dingy upper floorboard cracked and broke within 3 months of use.

Our dingy leaks about 60 litres of water inside in about 2 hours, so we are always standing shin deep in salt water.

Our dingy is dying.

Advanced Marine Inflatables in Bellingham, Washington, please answer your telephone and warranty our dingy.

We really need it.