The realization of a dream!

Latitude: 16 deg 30′ S, Longitude: 145 deg 27′ W – Bryson Throughout my life, I have been very lucky to have the opportunities to go exploring, traveling and adventuring in search of new cultures, different experiences and new coastlines. All my...

Departing the generosity of Nuku Hiva

Baie D’Hakahetau, Oa Pou, Marqueses – by Ryan There are a few occasions in life when one experiences such generosity and hospitality that it leaves you speechless, and scrabbling for a way to repay the kindness. This phenomenon exists in a little bay, 6...

Land Ho!

Latitude: 08 deg 55′ S, Longitude: 140 deg 06′ W by Bryson Hugh was the first to see it, we had all been staring at the horizon for hours, pointing out many clouds that we were certain were actually land. Then a slightly darker line hidden under one of the...

The Marquesas Islands: Where, How and a little history …

I wish we were there already but it looks to be two more days till we make landfall, just tonight and tomorrow night…. Argh. I thought we should put up a blog posting with some info about the Marquesas so people learn some things too… The first landfall we...