Turtles, Turtles, Everywhere

We’re often asked a question along the lines of “Have you seen any incredible wildlife/sea life”. The answer is yes, but not as often as you might imagine. But then again, we spend a lot of time staring at an unending horizon. There have been close...

Day 5 on the Pacific, and finally some winds

The soft creaking of the joints, the faint hiss of the waves and the warming sun woke me from my nap today. With us being firmly entrenched in our shifts, I got off shift at 6 am this morning and was desperate for a good nap. Lying down at 6:30am as the sun was just...

One productive hiccup and the Puddle Jump begins

So, we are now definitely and finally underway, as is evident by the fact that we can no longer see land! After a great evening at anchor last night, we weighed anchor at 730 am and headed for El Arco, the famous natural rock arch on the end of the point of Cabo San...

First Night Shift

Well, we finally made it out of La Paz harbour yesterday afternoon. After finishing off a couple items in town that needed our attention before leaving, Khulula and crew sailed/motored out of the harbour at 2:30 pm yesterday. Ryan and Hugh were on board while I...

How much do three people eat in 30 days?

Departure of the OceanGybe expedition! by Ryan 30 two sixters of booze, 44 2l bottles of water, 33 Cans of chickpeas, 10 cans kidney beans, 10 cans black beans, 10 cans refried beans and chorizo, 11 cans corn, 8 can mushrooms, 14 cans mushroom soup, 22 cans spinach, 2...