Goodbye Brazil, hello French Guinana. Well,not yet but have left and are on our way. For this passage we are joined by the lovely ladies, Shayla Hall and Wendy Innes. So far this passage, we have experienced the dreaded squalls of the ITCZ, the windless rolling confused seas between squalls, the loud noise of the engine 30cm from your ear and the flap of sails with no wind to keep them full.However, for the past 10 hours we have been close hauled, slowly making progress into Northerly winds, as we work our way out of the ITCZ and back into the trades. Only 100nm till the Equator !!
Date: April 20
Time: 1800
Boat Speed: 7.5 kts
Course: 299 T
Wind Speed: 17 Knots ENE
Barometer: 1013
Distance previous 24 hours: 111 NM