Daily onshores and offshores would be the best way to describe the weather we have been experiencing over the past week or so. At night a light 5-10 knot offshore will blow, then disappear mid morning. By 1pm, the daily onshores/down shores will blow, getting up to 15 – 20 knots, slowly moving more and more north and pushing us on our current tack directly into land. Then at around 9pm, the wind will die again and the process starts again. The exception being the confounded “sunset winds” which blow right from where we want to go and blow harder than anything else all day. These may be Murphy trying to destroy our efforts to enjoy a nice sundowner… Lots of dolphins today swimming around the boat. Also caught 5 roast beef fish (aka jack), all of which were promptly returned to the depths. I believe my garbage lure may be specifically designed to catch jacks. New lure construction shortly…