Woo hooo!!! We’re here! Khulula is safely docked at the Marina Park in Forteleza, she is flat and we’re loving it. We’re already sampled their pool, shower, and pool-side bar; all are up to our high standards. Both Brys and Hugh seem to be on the mend, but we’re still administering heavy anti-biotics and fluids. Another milestone is reached: We’ve not crossed the Atlantic Ocean, combine that with the Indian and Pacific and, holy-crow, how did that happen??? Its still a LONG way home to Vancouver, but its nice to celebrate the steps. Date: April 5
Time: 2230
Lat: 03 deg 43 S
Long: 38 deg 31 W
Boat Speed: 4.9 kts
Course: 269 T
Wind Speed: 13 Knots ENE
Barometer: 1011
Distance previous 24 hours: 140 NM
Distance to Forteleza: 0