Another big day for Khulula and her intrepid crew. Just this morning, while enjoying our cups of coffee, we passed the Greenwich Meridian ! So Khulula is now officially back in the western hemisphere and flying along happily. We had a great day of sailing yesterday and seem to have rid ourselves of the counter current that was damaging our daily averages. Steak, gem squash and cabbage got us ready for the night at sea and fried eggs brought us back to our senses this morning… Oh and some Bailey’s in our coffee didn’t hurt either ! Very happy to back in the west…Time: 1030
Boat Speed: 7.0 kts
Course: 305 T
Wind Speed: 16 kts SE
Wind Direction: 1.5m SW
Barometer: 1013
Distance to St Helena: 401 NM
Distance previous 24 hours: 150 NM