After a night in the Secas Islands, we pulled into Boca Chica yesterday afternoon to replenish our dwindling food supplies. With 4 guys on board, and a week since we last saw anything that resembled a store, food has been running pretty low the past few days. We also had to find a place to drop off Dean Azim, photographer extraordinare, so he could make the trek to civilization and on home to Canada. More on Dean’s visit to come.

Its been a while since we’ve had to deal with a major city center, and luckily Boca Chica is about as small a place as one can be and still be on a map. One ‘grocery store’, a dock, a couple of sport fishing lodges, and that’s about it. Just the kind of place to arrive in after being away from civilization. No traffic, noise or hectic-ness.

Dean found a lift early this morning, and a fortuitous encounter with the fruit and vegi truck meant that we could make a fast turn-a-round and get back out to the islands. Next stop: Isla Parida, only 9 miles away, for a couple of days. Not sure what we’ll find there.