Argh, the sailors of the South Atlantic had another tough day. Naps were had by all, tea was drunk in great quantities, books were read and a general sense of relaxation was about. Hugh installed a fan properly in the starboard quarter berth, Bryson (I) broke one in the port quarter berth but fixed it using an old sock and an elastic band. Mike P and I did our first noon sight using our sextant and were off by about 120nm in Latitude and 20nm in Longitude. Not too bad considering we approximated everything due to our lack of navigation tables…Date: March 10
Time: 1800
Boat Speed: 5.5 kts
Course: 292 T
Wind Speed: 14 kts
Barometer: 1013
Distance to Fernando de Noronha: 937 NM
Distance previous 24 hours: 120 NM