Well, after 44 hours of not touching a sheet, line or the steering wheel, we broke down. The slowly backing wind was gently pushing us off course to the south. Not wanting to accidentally sail below South America, we gybed Khulula and are back on course. That took all of 7 minutes, now it’s hands off again for more perfect trade-wind sailing. The crew has been fully domesticated the past 24 hours; Mike P. kicked things off yesterday by baking bread and pizza dough, Bryson followed up today with muffins, more bread and buns, and Hugh completed the wooden trim around the bulkheads and lockers in the head and main cabin. Whew! Might have to take tomorrow off. Still fish-less.
Time: 1800
Boat Speed: 5.0 kts
Course: 292 T
Wind Speed: 15 kts
Barometer: 1011
Distance to Fernando de Noronha: 1183 NM
Distance previous 24 hours: 134 NM