Score 1 for a recycled fishing lure. Last night, as the fifth fish-less day came to a close, we all were pondering what we could possibly be doing wrong? Do Atlantic fish not like pink or white lures? Mike P, our resident old salt, was convinced the fish could taste our rusty hooks and that was the problem. Or are there really no fish in the atlantic? Bryson took matters into his own hands and rigged up a lure we scavenged on the beach on Cocos Keeling in the Indian Ocean, a battered ol’ trusty green and orange plug. The words “fish on” have been on Mike’s lips for days now, so when he actually got to call them out this afternoon, there was no missing it! Short there after we had landed a 7kg Mahi Mahi. Thank you mother ocean!
Boat Speed: 5.6 kts
Course: 292 T
Wind Speed: 15 kts
Barometer: 1011
Distance to Fernando de Noronha: 1059 NM
Distance previous 24 hours: 134 NM