Half-way to San Diego! Wow, what luck we’ve had these past 4 days! Save for the regular afternoon blows of 15 – 20 knots, we’ve had pretty amazing conditions thus far for the infamous Baja Bash. Mostly 10 – 15 knots with reasonable seas. We even got to turn off the engine and sail, in the right direction no less, for 6 hours yesterday afternoon and this afternoon as well. This may seem like a dubious claim, but I assure you this is somewhat of a feat on this coast in the spring.

Now that we’ve made some good distance, we’re able to slow down a bit and check out the coast a bit more from here to San Diego. The other news of note is how flippin’ cold it is on the west side of the baja! Brrr! We’re all bundled up each night in long-johns, toques and jackets on-shift, and using sleeping bags off. The water has dropped to an icy 17 C, second only to South Africa for coolest we’ve encountered. We’ve located our full wetsuits in case we do find some waves.

time: 0330
Boat: 4.5 knts at 320 deg T
Wind: 6.0 knts at NNW
Distance to Turtle Bay: 19 nm