After another rapid turn around, we pushed on yesterday to reach San Carlos Bay. We pulled into Turtle Bay, completely believing we may be staying for a few days, until we checked the weather. We had 48 hours of decent weather before another gale set in for 4 days. So rather than being stuck in Turtle Bay for a week, we bolted for Cedros island, and across the Baie Sebastian Vizcaino. This last leg is apparently the last tough leg on the Baja Bash, so we are very happy with the anchor firmly set in the ground on the other side. However, Neptune did give us a quick reminder of what this trip can be like, with 25 knots and terrible seas, on our approach to the bay lst night. I am sure we will see more of it, but right now it is all about relaxing… 520nm done, only 213nm to go… The waves are torn to shreds right now but the morning should be fantastic, and the beaches look prime for a good ol’ OceanGybe garbage study.

Time: 1230
Boat: Anchored
Wind: 25 knts at WNW